Recipe for 3-4 people:
1 onion
2 garlic gloves
1,5 tbsp. tomato paste
600 ml water with vegetable stock
2 canned peeled tomatoes (800 g each)
1,5 tbsp. frozen basil (or fresh)
10 leaves of fresh basil
some olive oil
if you like some soy cream (if you like) or crème fraîche
homemade croutons:
3 slices of toast (or more if you like more)
3-5 tbsp. margarine
Some vegetable stock (powder)
Peel the onion and the garliv gloves and cut them into cubes. Take a really big pot and heat up some olive oil in it. Sweat the onion and garlic gloves in the olive oil for about 5 minutes.
Put in the tomato paste and roast gently with everything for one minute. Then deglaze everything with the water with vegetable stock. Then add the peeled tomatoes and put in the frozen basil. Season with salt and pepper. Mix everything very well and let everything simmer for about 40 minutes.
After that purée the soup with a hand-held blender. Add fresh cut basil and season with salz, pepper and a little bit of sugar.
For the croutons cut the slices of toast into cubes. Let 3 tbsp. of margarine get hot in a frying pan until it „bubbles“. Put in the toast cubes and turn them until they get brown and crispy. Season with some of the vegetable stock powder. Soooooo yummy. ❤
When you fill up the soup, you can put in some soy cream (or even crème fraîche). And put some crispy croutons on top. 🙂
Enjoy and let the soup warm you up – Bon appétit!
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